The good news are that a Jailbroken iDevices Malware Fix exists and the solution is pretty simple. Follow our detailed tutorial and fix the Unflod.dylib malware!
BlackRa1n is one the popular software used to jailbreak your iPhone. It is easy and really simple. Read our detailed tutorial and start using Cydia!
Evasi0n can be used in all iDevices that supports iOS 6.x.x and 7.0.x versions. As time passes its developers will keep updating it iOS 7.1 might get supported too!
RedsnOw is a really popular jailbreak device used by many Apple users. Some people use it to jailbreak and others use it to unlock their iDevice (With Ultrasn0w).
RedsnOw is just another similar tool which is used to jailbreak all Apple’s iDevices, such as iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Read more details!
The iPhone Dev Team have finally upgrade their unlocking app and Ultrasn0w 1.2.8 version has been released. Download it and unlock your device on iOS 6.1 version.